Janet de Botton

Bridge | 23 April 2022

Bridge | 23 April 2022
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It seems ironic that while many bridge players are fighting to ‘Keep Bridge Alive’, raising money to encourage and teach the next generation of potential enthusiasts, the English Bridge Union seems to be doing the exact opposite. They have just cut the funding for sending Juniors to championships – crucial to the development of their game – and not because lockdown has left them decimated. They have relocated the funds to further support our Ladies and Senior teams – many of whom are professionals or sponsors – while most of the Juniors are still in education. Go figure.

Here is 17-year-old Sam Anoyrkatis playing and winning for England in the recent Junior Camrose.

West led his Spade and Sam won the Ace and called for the Jack of trumps. East won and played a middle Spade which Declarer ruffed and was probably surprised when West overruffed. West played a Diamond to partner’s Ace, but the next Spade Sam could ruff high and draw trumps. Before he took his last trump, however, he went into the tank.

Even looking at all the hands it’s not easy to see that the contract can make, but Sam worked it out at the table; the only chance is that Diamonds are 3-3 and East has the singleton Jack of Clubs.

Sam placed the Queen of Clubs on the table! West covered with the King, the Ace winning and East dropped the Jack. Now Diamonds could be ruffed good and the last trump drawn. The ♣10 was the entry to the two good Diamonds.

All we are saying is... Give Kids a Chance.