Boris Johnson

PM responds to Mark Sedwill’s resignation

PM responds to Mark Sedwill's resignation
Boris Johnson and Mark Sedwill, Picture credit: Getty
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Boris Johnson has responded to the resignation of Mark Sedwill, the now former Cabinet Secretary. The full text of The Prime Minister's handwritten note is below

Dear Mark,

Over the last few years I have had direct experience of the outstanding service that you have given to the government and to the country as a whole. You took over as Cabinet Secretary in tragic circumstances, and then skilfully navigated us politicians through some exceptionally choppy water: a change of premiership, an election, then Brexit, followed by the crisis of Covid-19, where you were instrumental in drawing up the plan the whole country has by now followed effectively to suppress the virus.

It has been by any standards a massive contribution – but as PM I have particularly appreciated your calm and shrewd advice, as well as the many useful and amusing notes you have scribbled to me in Cabinet.

You have also spoken with a unique authority – unusual in a Cabinet Secretary – on international affairs and national security; and as National Security Adviser you have done much to keep this country safe. It is therefore great news that you have agreed to continue to serve this country on the international stage, beginning with the UK’s preparations for the G7 summit next year.

You have done it all in Whitehall: from Afghanistan to the modernisation of the Civil Service; from immigration policy to Brexit and defeating Coronavirus. After serving for decades with great distinction – and unflappable good humour – I believe you have earned the gratitude of the nation.

With all best wishes to you and your family,

Yours ever
