Matthew Dancona

The Spectator’s 50 Essential Films

The Spectator's 50 Essential Films
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Attention all film fans: tomorrow's issue of the magazine - print version only - launches a truly special celebration of the best films of all time, edited by our very own Online Editor, Pete Hoskin.   

CoffeeHousers will have their chance to pitch in in due course - but if you want to join the debate, you'll need to get the souvenir magazine itself, complete with lavish illustrations.

As you will find out after you have rushed out to the newsagent, Pete is much more than a kingpin of the Web 2.0 era: he is also an awesomely knowledgable cineaste, in the best traditions of the Spectator (whose past film critics include Graham Greene and Peter Ackroyd). Having humbly submitted a few of the entries myself I can attest: this man knows what he is talking about. I am Accrington Stanley to his Manchester United.

After hundreds of hours of DVD viewing, gallons of industrial strength coffee and a fair few good-tempered arguments with yours truly and other members of the Spec team, it has fallen to Pete to select our 50 top films. Ever.  

Agonizing choices, controversial exclusions, unexpected entries and the mother of all debates on the top few slots. Because, as any film buff will tell you, this stuff really matters. What could possibly be more important?

I promise you: you won't want to miss out on this unique two-part guide. And it all kicks off tomorrow - only in the magazine.