Neil Obrien

Why won’t The Independent print this letter?

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On Thursday, when I saw that The Independent had reprinted almost word for word Foreign Office talking points without attribution or any indication to its readers that this is what it was up to, I sent in a letter to the editor. Oddly enough, it hasn’t yet been published. If the Indy is “completely unapologetic” about what it did, why is it so scared of its readers finding out about it?


------Original Message------




Sent: 18 Oct 2007 11:19 AM


Subject: For publication.


How amazing that the Independent should simply reproduce a foreign office briefing note on the EU on page three without any attribution of its source.

Thinking back to the ideals that launched the paper perahaps it is time to change the name to something more appropriate - "the glove puppet" perhaps?


Neil O'Brien,


Director, Open Europe


7 Tufton St