The Edition

Border farce

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In this week’s episode: is the UK dragging its feet when it comes to Ukrainian refugees?

For this week’s cover piece, Kate Andrews and Max Jeffery report from Calais, where they have been talking with Ukrainian refugees hoping to make it to Britain. Kate joins the podcast along with former MEP Patrick O’Flynn to discuss the UK’s handling of the refugee crisis. (00:48)

Also this week: are commodity traders finding a moral compass?

In the wake of colossal sanctions on Russia are commodity traders feeling pressured to look more critically at the people they buy from? In this week’s issue, Javier Blas, Bloomberg’s commodities columnist and the co-author of The World for Sale, reveals what’s going on in the world of commodity trading. He joins the podcast along with Martin Vander Weyer who also writes about how effective these sanctions might be. (19:21)

And, finally: is offal making a macho comeback?

Gus Carter writes in The Spectator this week about offal. It’s having a comeback, he says, thanks to macho men following internet advice about what to eat. He joins the podcast with Natasha Lawson, The Spectator’s designer and a keen organ fan, who bought in one of her favourite products for Lara, Gus and William to try. (30:19)

Hosted by Lara Prendergast and William Moore

Produced by Sam Holmes

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